Women in Microwaves (WIM)

What is WiM?

WIM stands for “Women in Microwaves” and is the subset of Women in Engineering (WIE) working within the field of microwave engineering and typically active within the MTT society. WIM is also a subcommittee under MGA within the MTT-S AdCom.


The mission of WIM is to attract more woman graduate students and professionals to join MTT-S, and to increase the visibility of females in MTT-S throughout a variety of activities.


Find us on Facebook
Attend a WIE/WIM networking event at upcoming MTT-S conferences.
Sign up for our WIM email list https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/35K83DH


November 2023 WIM Column
November 2023 WIM Column

Empowering Women in Microwave Engineering: Inspiring Stories From Malaysia “There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.” — Michelle Obama In the November 2022 issue of IEEE Microwave Magazine WIM, Fauziahanim Seman describes the remarkable professional journeys of two female engineers from Malaysia who spoke at the 2022 IEEE International RF and […]

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October 2023 WIM Column
October 2023 WIM Column

State of the Industry: Diversity in the Workplace I participated in the Women in Engineering (WIE) panel discussion held at the 2022 Design Automation Conference (DAC) last summer, which brought out some wonderful pieces of insight and advice from myself and fellow women tech leaders on the panel on the importance of diversity in the […]

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September 2023 WIM Column
September 2023 WIM Column

Real Advice I’ve written an article for the XX edition of IEEE Microwave Magazine in which I share some salient bits of advice from the 2022 Design Automation Conference (DAC) Women in Engineering (WIE) panel discussion on “Real Advice for Today’s Women in Engineering.” Panelists Radhika Shankar of Synopsys, Greta Pyne of Intuit, myself, and […]

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Photos from previous WIM Events. Photos by LylePhotos.com.