IEEE Microwave Magazine

This Month's Highlights

Check out the December issue of IEEE Microwave Magazine!

The 2024 season for MTT-sponsored conferences kicks off with this issue, which is focused on the Radio and Wireless Week 2024 set of co-located conferences and is the focus of this month’s issue of IEEE Microwave Magazine. The Guest Editor’s column covers not only a summary of the RWW feature articles but also briefly describes the RWW-themed columns, starting with the General Chair’s message to the MTT-S community. RWW2024 will be held in San Antonio, TX USA and occurs right after the IMS2024 TPRC meeting. Keeping with the RWW2024 conference theme, the fourth article in this issue is by the winners of the RWW2023 Student Paper Competition. This competition will again be held at RWW2024. The conference website can be found at]

This issue is not just about RWW2024, however, and we have many of our regular columns. MTT-S President Nuno Borges Carvalho provides us with his final President’s Message for 2023, and Fred Schindler talks about how we each have different perspectives and how that relates to the business environment. In the Health Matters column, James Lin provides his perspective on matters involving electromagnetic interactions with biological media and how that relates to the RadioBio program. In our MTT Society News column, authors José Rayas-Sánchez and Goutam Chattopadhyay, both members of the MTT-S AdCom, talk about promoting MTT-S activities in Costa Rica, part of IEEE Region 9. This month’s Women in Microwaves column by Aurea Edna Moreno-Mojica interviews women students in universities throughout Mexico and presents their perspectives and career goals. Rounding out the issue we have the solution to last month’s Enigma and, of course, our monthly Conference Calendar.

I hope to see you at RWW2024 in San Antonio!

Current issue

December 2023 Issue

About the journal

The IEEE Microwave Magazine is published monthly, with the IMS Special issue in April or May, and an RWW Supplement delivered with the December issue. The Microwave Magazine focuses on the publication of general interest review, tutorial, and survey papers rather than new research.

Most issues of the Microwave Magazine include a “focus section,” in which the technical features are invited by the guest editor, who is an acknowledged expert in the focus topic. The magazine also contains submitted technical articles, either as features or application notes. The technical content of the magazine is about 55 pages per issue, consisting of 4-5 feature articles and 1-2 application notes. Additionally, the magazine contains a number of regular columns, as well as editorial and news items.

The magazine has won two international awards for technical art from the Society for Technical Communication. The current impact factor for IEEE Microwave Magazine is 3.6 (2023). The magazine welcomes review, tutorial, and survey manuscripts in all topics of interest to the microwave engineering community; the time from submission to publication is under 26 weeks. Articles published in the Microwave Magazine are available to digital subscribers through IEEE Xplore.

For submissions, please read the Guidelines for Authors and submit your article to: or