IEEE Microwave Magazine – July 2023

The July issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! And we just finished IMS2023. I hope you were there because it was a great conference in San Diego. So check out the Editor’s Desk for the real summary of this issue but for now we will give you a brief summary.

Our features include an overview of oscillator tuning range for spectrum use, microwave frequency synthesizer architecture and system design as well as a tour of bio-implant sensors. The Guest Editor’s Desk will give you more details on these features. And we have another 2022 Student Design Competition Winner describing filter realization for a crowded spectrum. Now we move to our columns. Our President’s Column focuses on growing our membership. There are so many good reasons to be a member. Our Education News covers our Graduate Student Fellowship Awards. Our Women in Microwaves column celebrates MIKON 2022. And sadly we have another In Memoriam column – but we get to celebrate the accomplishments of Doug Rytting with network analyzers at Hewlett-Packard.

Our more technical columns begin with MicroBusiness and grandfather smack down. And a reminder of Garrison Keillor’s Lake Wobegon broadcast where all the children were said to be above average. Microwave Surfing takes us through an annual quiz. This one is about the earth’s magnetism. Our Book/Software Reviews column has a look at RF circuit design practice. Now our Around the Globe column is not always thought provoking, but this month we have a reprint of a James Clerk Maxwell Foundation article on the ghost story of dark matter in the universe. Ask anyone who attended IMS2023 about New Products, New Products are cool. This month we learn about switch matrices, vector testers, mixers, filters and capacitors. Finally our Enigmas, etc. column asks what rectifier load resistance gives us a 50% on duty cycle.

As always, check out the Conference Calendar! Enjoy getting close to others – we learn more that way.

Summary by Alfred Riddle, P.h.D.
Quanergy Solutions, Inc.