THz Letters

THz Letters

The IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology bi-monthly issues includes a “THz Letters” section. The scope and the topic areas covered by papers in this section are the same than regular, but aiming at shorter, more timely contributions. These short papers have three or less pages.

The main idea behind the “THz Letters” section is to reach a timely decision response, much faster than with regular longer submissions. To achieve this, the IEEE T-TST has a dedicated Track Editor, Withawat Withayachumnankul, to handle the review process of these “THz Letters”.

The accepted contributions for our “THz Letters” section will be published together with the regular papers in a printed issue and electronically in through IEEE Xplore. The THz Letters length is normally up to three pages (two-column template) and should not exceed 5 pages including references. No printing costs are associated with our “THz Letters”, unless authors opt for an open access publication format.