Information for Reviewers

Information for Reviewers

Access to your manuscript under review

IEEE Transactions on THz Science and Technology (T-TST) uses IEEE ScholarOne Manuscripts for managing the review of all papers submitted for publication. A reviewer for the IEEE T-TST has two means for accessing the manuscript information:

  • Login to your account on T-TST Scholar one site (link provided here) using your case-sensitive USER ID and password. You can create an account directly via this link.
  • Using a direct unique link per manuscript with no need to enter log in details. This link is sent to you directly by email once you accept doing the review for a certain manuscript.

Either way you decide to access your assigned review site, you will be able see the PDF of the manuscript, extra files submitted by the authors, the author’s response, detail information about the manuscript and the review question form. Please follow the instructions for reviewers provided in these sites. ScholarOne Manuscripts also offers here a downloadable guide and relevant FAQs for all reviewers training needs.

How to do a review?

Please answer all questions in the review form. At the end of the review page, there is a space for “Comments to the Author.” Please be sure to put your comments to the author in this space If would like to provide equations, long text or figures that cannot be easily included in the on-line “Comments for the Authors” section, please create a PDF file with those comments and upload it to “Attach Files”.

We strongly encourage you to argument well your review recommendation to the author directly, not only to the editor. Please avoid doing an informal and short review. Instead, we kindly ask you to provide specific well-described comments which can offer valuable feedback to improve the author’s work. If this is not the case, the editorial board may decide to give your recommendation less weight in favour of better argued reviews. You can find further reviewer’s guidelines in this page.

At the end of the form, please provide your overall recommendation about this manuscript, which should be in line with your previous comments (Accept, Minor Review, Major Review or Reject). There is also space for “Confidential Comments to Editor” where you can provide confidential feedback to the editor.

Many manuscript undergo a series of review rounds (major and minor). We kindly ask to the reviewers to participate in these rounds. Please read through all the reviewer’s comments and the author’s responses to them before giving your next recommendation. If you cannot find the author’s response, please contact immediately your Associate Editor and our assistant Sharri Shaw at

Some guidelines to follow when doing a review:

  • Comments regarding content:
    • Evaluate if the manuscript meets a minimum criterion for technical substance:
      • New and original articles describing significant work and/or ideas not found elsewhere in the literature;
      • The Transactions does not accept incremental submissions. All related previous work by the authors must be referenced, even if it was presented in conference;
      • The IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology requires careful comparison between theory and simulations, or simulations and measurements. Please check that the results presented are well-validated either by another means of simulations or by measurements.
    • Please be fair but technically critical with the content. Your comments can be very valuable to improve the overall manuscript quality.
  • Comments regarding references:
    • Please add at least one relevant reference when suggesting lack of sufficient novelty
    • Suggest to add or remove references on the basis of technical content, not for means of increasing citation metrics. The authors can argument against adding a reference if it is not technically relevant.
  • Comments regarding previous work from the authors:
    • Any submitted paper should provide “sufficient new technical material” when compared to all previously published paper. This standard must be met by all papers, including papers that are submitted to conference special issues.
    • Please comment if all relevant previous work by the authors is referenced, even if it was presented in conference. The authors are suggested to upload relevant own references and disclose them in the manuscript introduction. You can find those files in the reviewer’s sites.
  • Comments regarding format:
    • Please comment if the manuscript does not meet acceptable standards of English
    • Please comment if the figures, equations, references and tables do not have proper format.
  • For you final recommendation, you have the following options:
    • Accept– the manuscript meets the IEEE T-TST criterion for technical substance and no changes are needed. If any change is required, please recommend minor revision instead
    • Minor Revision– the manuscript meets the IEEE T-TST criterion for technical substance and will be most likely accepted after 1-2 rounds, but requires minor changes in terms of format and/or content. The authors are asked to complete those changes in two weeks’ time frame.
    • Major Revision– there are doubts if the manuscript the IEEE T-TST criterion for technical substance. A rejection can still happen in the coming round. The manuscript requires major changes in terms of format and/or content. The authors are asked to complete those changes in one month’s time frame.
    • Reject– the manuscript does not meet the IEEE T-TST criterion for technical substance. In some cases, the major issues pointed by the reviewers can be addressed by the authors in a longer time frame (3 months). The Editorial board can decide recommending Reject&Resubmit in those cases. A rejection can still happen in case of resubmission.